C o n t r i b u t o rs
Anuja Ghimire is a native of Kathmandu, Nepal. She lives in Dallas, Texas with her husband and two young children and writes poetry. Some of her poems have been published in Red River Review, Glass, Ishaan Literary Review, Glass, The Rainbow Journal, Constellations, Stone Path Review, and others.
Bill Rector is a physician who has published in a variety of journals, including Right Hand Pointing, Field, The Denver Quarterly, and Prairie Schooner. He was formerly poetry editor of the Yale Journal of Humanities and Medicine and is a founding editor, with Mark Irwin, of Proem Press.
Bob Heman’s prose poems have been translated into Spanish, Arabic, Italian and Hungarian. His collages have appeared recently (or are upcoming) on the covers of books by David Mills, Cindy Hochman, Karen Neuberg, Evie Ivy, and the late Harry Crosby.
Irene Mitchell is the author of Minding the Spectrum’s Business (FutureCycle Press, 2015), A Study of Extremes in Six Suites (Cherry Grove Collections, 2012), and Sea Wind on the White Pillow (Axes Mundi Press, 2009). Formerly poetry editor of Hudson River Art Journal, Mitchell is known for her collaborations with visual artists and composers.
Jack Cooper's first poetry collection, Across My Silence, was published by World Audience, Inc., 2007. His work has been nominated three times for the Pushcart and has recently appeared in Santa Fe Literary Review, Connecticut River Review, the South Dakota Review, and the North American Review.
James Brush lives in Austin, TX and posts things online at Coyote Mercury where he keeps a full list of publications. By referring to an external list of publications, rather than including them all in this bio, James has earned the appreciation of your editors. We will undoubtedly be publishing more of his work. This would increase, in lesser authors, the temptation to increase the length of his or her bio by cataloging all of these additional publications. But, James, being the kind of guy James is, will resist, keeping his bio at a much-admired 2 to 4 lines.
Jane-Rebecca Cannarella is an editor at HOOT Review, a cat lady, and a Nutella enthusiast. When not poorly playing the piano, she chronicles the many ways that she embarrasses herself at the website www.youlifeisnotsogreat.com. She occasionally drinks wine out of a mug that has a smug poodle on it, and she’s not great at writing in the third person.
John Grey is an Australian-born poet who had work in Right Hand Pointing #2 and many times since. And yet he still never encloses a bio.
Larry D. Thomas, who is a former Poet Laureate of the Lone Star State, is a frequent contributor to Right Hand Pointing. His most recent of many chapbooks with us is The Wadded Up Poem Behind the Dumpster. Of late, Larry has been contemplating the nothingness of the Great Chihuahuan Desert of far West Texas, accompanied by his wife and two Long-haired Chihuahuas. In other words, there is much that is Chihuahuan about Larry's life.
Lynn McGee has recently published poems in Sensitive Skin, The American Poetry Review, Storyscape, Hawai’i Review, Southern Poetry Review, The Same, The Original Van Gogh’s Ear Anthology, First Literary Review East and others. She lives in Brooklyn, where this editor hopes she forgives us for having mispelled her name in the first draft of this issue.
M. E. Uribe is an undergraduate at Vassar College where he enjoys the pleasures of a liberal arts education and seeks creative ways to have coitus with the system. This marks the first use of the word coitus in RHP.
Meredith Weiers graduated from Carnegie Mellon University and lives in southern Maryland. Look at her wonderful bio.
Robin Wyatt Dunn writes and teaches in Los Angeles. Yeah, Buddy!
Tony Press lives near San Francisco and tries to pay attention. Even when drinking hot chocolate in Bristol, England. Even then. If you look around, you can find many of his stories and poems. As far as we know, he has yet to establish Press Press, which is a sign of remarkable restraint for a poet.