I am too busy
mopping up spilled molasses
to think of your lips.
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The Note
Eileen Walsh – AZ
Tony Press - TN
Tony Press - IN
Bill Rector - NV
Bill Rector - WY Brad Rose - NE
Jordi Alonso - VT
José Angel Araguz - OH
José Angel Araguz - OR
Benjamin DeVos - AK
Merridawn Duckler - CA
Moriah Erickson - MN
Howie Good - IA
Lauren Kessler - NY
Len Kuntz - WA
Luis Neer - WV
Michael Paul - RI
Katherine DiBella Seluja - NM
M. R. Smith - MT
Larry D. Thomas - TX
Jeanie Tomasko - WI
Mat Wenzel - NH
Sarah Ann Winn - AZ