Jordi Alonso graduated with an AB in English from Kenyon College in 2014, where he studied poetry and literary translation. He is a Turner Fellow in Poetry at SUNY Stony Brook Southampton and has been published in TSR, Mountain Gazette, Edible, and other journals. He is the author of Honeyvoiced.
José Angel Araguz, author of the forthcoming chapbook Reasons (not) to Dance (FutureCycle Press), is a CantoMundo fellow and runs the poetry blog The Friday Influence. He can see a Skyline Chili from his apartment in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Benjamin DeVos is an interdisciplinary artist studying as a creative writing student at Temple University. His work has appeared in Up the Staircase Quarterly, Pantheon, and Bop Dead City, among others.
Merridawn Duckler’s recent poems are in Naugatuck River Review, Cirque Journal, forthcoming from Agave and Sugar House Review. She was runner-up for the Arizona Poetry Residency judged by Farid Matuk. Her short stories are in Farallon Review and forthcoming from Poetica. Her most recent play was at Shout House in Portland, OR and forthcoming at Last Frontier in Valdez, Alaska.
Moriah Erickson holds a MFA from Fairfield University. She is eagerly awaiting her first full-length collection In The Mouth Of The Wolf (Kelsay, 2015) to join her two award-winning chapbooks, Nightboat (NFSPS, 2010) and Three Crows Laughing (Slipstream, 2011). She has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and publishes regularly in numerous literary journals. She lives in Duluth, MN.
Howie Good contributes regularly to Right Hand Pointing. Many people believe Howie co-edits RHP. He doesn't. If he did, we wouldn't be publishing his work here. In fact, the only reason Howie's not an editor is that would mean we'd have to stop publishing his poems.
Lauren Kessler grew up in New York City and now lives in Southern California, where she is pursuing her BA in English and World Literature at Pitzer College. Her poetry has appeared in NEAT Magazine, Mountain Gazette, and DoveTales: Writing for Peace.
Len Kuntz is a writer from Washington State and an editor at the online magazine Literary Orphans. His work appears widely in print and his story collection, The Dark Sunshine, debuted from Connotation Press last year. You can also find him at
Luis Neer is an alumnus of the creative writing program at the 2014 WV Governor’s School for the Arts, and his poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Maudlin House; Literary Orphans; Squawk Back; The Rain, Party & Disaster Society and elsewhere. He tweets @LuisNeer.
Michael Paul’s work has appeared in recent issues of Pure Slush, Postcard Poetry and Prose, and Black Heart Magazine. He teaches English as a second language in Central Falls, Rhode Island (that’s the smallest city in the smallest state, geography-lovers), USA.
Tony Press tries to pay attention. Sometimes he does. About seventy of his short stories and poems have been published in wonderful journals. He’s been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and he is inordinately proud of that.
Bill Rector is a physician who has published in a variety of journals, including Right Hand Pointing, Field, The Denver Quarterly, and Prairie Schooner. He was formerly poetry editor of the Yale Journal of Humanities and Medicine and is a founding editor, with Mark Irwin, of Proem Press.
Brad Rose is a frequent contributor to Right Hand Pointing. His book of poetry and micro fiction, Pink X-Ray, is forthcoming from Big Table Publishing, summer 2015. His chapbooks of miniature fiction and poetry, from Right Hand Pointing are Democracy of Secrets and Coyotes Circle the Party Store.
Katherine DiBella Seluja is a nurse-poet. Her experiences of illness and healing inform much of her writing. Her poems have been twice nominated for the Pushcart Prize. She is currently working on a collection of poems dedicated to her schizophrenic brother. She lives in New Mexico.
M.R. Smith is a technology executive writing in Boise, Idaho. His work has appeared in publications such as The Cascadia Review, Camas, The Literary Bohemian, Punchnel's, The Red River Review, The Innisfree Poetry Review, Blacktop Passages, The Centrifugal Eye, the FutureCycle Press anthology What Poets See, and the Western Press Books anthology Manifest West among others. He is a staff reader at The Cascadia Review.
Larry D. Thomas, a longtime contributor to Right Hand Pointing, has published several collections of poetry. His As If Light Actually Matters: New & Selected Poems is currently in press at Texas Review Press (Texas A&M University Press Consortium) and is scheduled for release in spring 2015.
Jeanie Tomasko lives in Wisconsin where, if you hit it just right on a day in May, you can stand in a leafy woods and hear an oriole, a wood thrush, a rose-breasted grosbeak and a rufous-sided towhee singing (in tune) at the same time.
Mat Wenzel is a student of poetry in Ashland University's low-residency MFA program. He teaches high school English in Ogden, UT. His work has been published in Glitterwolf Magazine, Penumbra, DIN Magazine and Puerto del Sol. He currently has 17 stamps in his National Parks Passport.
Eileen Walsh is a current senior at St. Mary’s Ryken High School in Leonardtown, Maryland. She will be published in this summer’s American High School Poets Of Faith and Inspiration anthology. She will be attending the University of Maryland in the fall as a Public LeadershipCollege Park Scholar.
Sarah Ann Winn is obsessed with browsing adoption ads for labs who love beagles who love couch time. It might be time for her to seek help. Her work has appeared in Nashville Review, Quarterly West, and RHINO, among others. Find her at or @blueaisling on Twitter. i