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Lindsay Adkins is an actress and writer based out of the tri-state area. Recently, her work has been featured in The Aurorean and with One Sentence Poems. Look for her forthcoming poetry in The Muddy River Poetry Review.


Z.Z. Boone’s fiction has appeared in New Ohio Review, Berkeley Fiction Review, Smokelong Quarterly, and other terrific places. His first collection of short stories will be published in November.





James Brush lives in Austin, TX, and posts things online at Coyote Mercury where he keeps a full list of publications. He also edits the journal Gnarled Oak.


Doug Draime's latest book is More Than The Alley, a full-length poetry collection from Interior Noise Press. Doug has an online chap at RHP, Speed of Light. A poet, short-story writer, and playwright, Draime emerged as a presence in the literary 'underground' in Los Angeles in the late 1960s. Awarded PEN grants in 1987, 1991, and 1992. During the last few years he has been nominated for several Pushcart Prizes. Forthcoming, a career-spanning collection from Pedestrian Press called Farrago Soup. 


Robin Wyatt Dunn writes and teaches in Los Angeles.


John Gorman is a recovering anthropologist and a Trilobite wonk. He enjoys fried pickles and hoppy beers. His work has appeared in MonkeybicycleGravelNewtown Literary, and Writer’s Digest. John snagged his MFA in Creative Writing from Pacific University.


Bob Heman edits CLWN WR.  He lives on the west end of Long Island in what was once the City of Brooklyn.


John Jeffire was born in Detroit, a quaint city of timeless charm and grace. He has broken many bones in his life, both his own and those of others. For more on the author and his work,


Shobhana Kumar’s work has recently appeared in The Open Road Review, and Underground Flowers. Her second volume of poetry was published in 2014. She also writes nonfiction and when not doing so, spends her time chasing deadlines and never-ending family chores.


Lisa Fusch Krause is a poet and editor in Seattle, Washington. A recent empty-nester, she lives with her husband, two black cats, and a cactus named "Howard." Lisa has published both poetry and prose, most recently in Cahoodaloodaling, Cascadia Review, The Far Field, and Red Fez. 


Devoid of a particular style, Bill Livingston strives for accessibility while craving aesthetics. His photos have been in Damaged Goods and Sic Vice & Verse. His work has been in several solo and group gallery show,s and he’s won a few county fair ribbons. He lives in Brooklyn, and his site is Follow him on Instagram @pixnwordz.


Hannah Miao lives in Arizona. Currently, she serves as editor-in-chief of Phosphene Literary Journal. Her recent work has been published in Burningword Literary Journal, Cargoes, and Cicada, and she is interested in the intersection of science and art.


Jennifer MacBain-Stephens is the author of six chapbooks. Others are forthcoming from Dancing Girl Press and Crisis Chronicles Press. Her first full-length poetry collection is forthcoming from Lucky Bastard Press.  Recent work can be read or is forthcoming at Pretty Owl Poetry, Gargoyle, Jet Fuel Review, glitterMOB, Pith, So to Speak, Apple Valley Review, Otis Nebula, Freezeray, Entropy, and decomP. For more, visit:


Mary McCarthy has always been a writer but spent most of her working life as a registered nurse. She has had publications in several journals, including The Birmingham Review, Third Wednesday, Caketrain, Earth’s Daughters, and The Evening Street Review. Work has appeared recently at Camel Saloon and Gnarled Oak.


Dana Mele is an attorney and writer currently located in the Catskill mountains. Her work has appeared in or is forthcoming in Vine Leaves Literary Journal, Mad Scientist Journal and Bird's Thumb. In her spare time she drafts wills and writes elegies for fallen logs.


Irene Mitchell is the author of Minding the Spectrum’s Business (Future Cycle Press, 2015), A Study of Extremes in Six Suites (Cherry Grove Collections, 2012), and Sea Wind on the White Pillow (Axes Mundi Press, 2009). Formerly poetry editor of Hudson River Art Journal, Mitchell is known for her collaborations with visual artists and composers.


Rich Murphy's books of poetry have won national awards, and his essays on poetics and the humanities have been published broadly in international, peer-reviewed journals. He has three decades of experience as a college-level teacher and writing coach, helping writers of poetry and of the academic essay.

Cristina M. R. Norcross is a Wisconsin-based poet who wishes she still lived near the ocean. She is the editor of Blue Heron Review and the author of several poetry collections. Recent works appear in Lime Hawk Journal, Red Cedar Review, The Avocet, and others.


Kyle Norwood is the winner of the 2014 Morton Marr Poetry Prize from Southwest Review. His science-fiction narrative poem “Cyrano” appears online at Devilfish Review. A retired teacher, he lives a pleasant and unadventurous life in Los Angeles.


John Pierce is a teacher from the Texas Hill Country. Some of his recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in Ghost Fishing, Ometeca, and Valley Voices.


Tony Press tries to tell the truth, in poems and stories. Sometimes he does. And if you look around, you can find his words in a variety of fine places. Early in 2016, Big Table will publish his story collection Crossing the Lines.


Recent work by Bruce Robinson appears in Altar Collective and Works & Days, and in his tomatoes. He still roots for the Brooklyn Dodgers, and in his sleep still races whippets in the midwest.


Jay Sizemore doesn’t win awards. Founder of Crow Hollow Books, he writes poems and stories and scribbles his name a lot onto electronic pads for material possessions. He listens to Ryan Adams and drinks Four Roses.


Larry D. Thomas has been privileged to publish a number of poems and chapbooks at Right Hand Pointing for more than eight years.  His most recently published book of poems is As If Light Actually Matters: New & Selected Poems (Texas Review Press, Member, Texas A&M University Press Consortium).









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