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John L. Stanizzi
Buffalo Soldier
for James Walter Sincere
(November 15, 1949 – November 22, 1968)
Quang Nam, Viet Nam
East Hartford, Connecticut
I found a box that seemed just the right size
to fit both of your blue buttondown shirts,
and your battered old copy of Thomas’s
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog,
stolen inexplicably from the school
library at East Hartford High. I think
it had to do with your presumption that
Bob Dylan and Dylan Thomas had some
cosmic connection that included you.
I also sent you Blonde on Blonde that day.
I mailed the box at 10 a.m. and by
3 Suzanne had told me that you were dead.
And for years and years I’ve wondered who got
your box and did they love the stuff inside?
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