John M. Bellinger is the former Managing Editor (2006-2009) and a current staff editor of The Comstock Review. He has been published in The Comstock Review, Blue Unicorn, The Small Pond Magazine of Literature, and Ekphrasis. He also has upcoming work in Cottonwood.
Beth Browne’s (Bad Photos) work has appeared in many fine journals, most recently in Blotterature, Walter Magazine, and Fine Linen. In addition to writing and photographing, Browne manages a large farm and homeschools her two teenagers. Most weekends, she sails the North Carolina coast with her sweetie, Eric. For more information visit
Andrea Christoff has a Master of Arts from Marquette University and is a member of the Wisconsin Writers Association.
Mark Danowsky’s poetry has appeared in Allegro, Cordite, The Lake, Mobius, Red River Review, Shot Glass Journal and other journals. Mark is originally from the Philadelphia area, but currently resides in North-Central West Virginia. He works for a private detective agency and is Managing Editor for the Schuylkill Valley Journal.
Melissa Fu grew up in New Mexico, lives in Cambridge, England, and writes wherever she goes. Recent work has been included in Words and Women: Two (Unthank Books, 2014), and Original Writing Short Story Anthology (November 2015).
Howie Good inspired this bonus poem by Steve Tomasko.
Liam Hogan is a London-based writer and host of the award-winning monthly literary event, Liars' League. You probably don't want to see any more of his photos, but he has many thousands of words available instead via this website.
Timothy Judd (Bad Photos) won Houston Space Center's "Name the Shuttle Contest," christening the orbiter Independence. Four of his short stories are published and he has a poem forthcoming in Outlook Springs. For more information, please visit:
Sarah Katz works as an editor at the Association of Writers & Writing Programs. Her recent poems and essays appear or are forthcoming in MiPOesias, RHINO, and The Rumpus. She has an MFA from American University and recently received the 2015 District Lit Poetry Prize.
Steve Klepetar claims to be the best-known Shanghai-born, Jewish-American poet in all of Central Minnesota. RHP hereby certifies this as true.
Jenne Knight’s recent poems and non-fiction appear in or are forthcoming from The Common, Rust + Moth, *82 Review, and others. She teaches in Baltimore. More information can be found at
Jim Lewis (Bad Photos) is proof that the most important part of any camera is about 6 inches behind the lens, and his camera is missing that critical piece.
Eugenia Hepworth Petty has a penchant for covering objects with wax, resin, and glitter. Her writing is forthcoming from Dancing Girl Press, Poems-For-All, and Pankhearst. Analog photo galleries and a list of publication credits can be found at:
Claudia Serea's poems and translations have appeared in Field, New Letters, 5 a.m., Meridian, Word Riot, and elsewhere. She is the author of several collections of poetry, most recently To Part Is to Die a Little (Cervena Barva Press, 2015), and Nothing Important Happened Today (Broadstone Books, 2016). Serea co-hosts The Williams Readings poetry series in Rutherford, NJ, and is a founding editor of National Translation Month. More at
Larry D. Thomas has been pleased to have poems in a number of issues of RHP. To escape from mountain lions and javelinas in the Great Chihuahuan Desert, he hides in his study and writes. His website is
Lynne Viti teaches in the Writing Program at Wellesley College in Massachusetts. Her writing has appeared most recently in Drunk Monkeys, Blognostics, Silver Birch Press, A New Ulster, and The Lost Country. She still hasn’t mastered Sirsasana, the supported headstand, but keeps trying. She blogs at
Meg Yardley lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Hanging Loose, Rattle, and LEVELER.