Aidan Chafe is a poet and public educator bent on bending language. His work has appeared, or is forthcoming, in CV2, The Sacred Cow and Canadian Ginger, an anthology published by Leaf Press in 2017. He lives in a modest abode near Vancouver, Canada.
Devin J. Donovan’s poetry has recently appeared in Black Heart Magazine and Three Line Poetry, and is forthcoming in The Gap-Toothed Madness. He lives in Charlottesville, VA where he teaches composition at the University of Virginia and moonlights as a plumber.

John Dutterer is a poet and short story writer whose most treasured appearances in “print” have been False Cosmopolitan (an e-chapbook by White Knuckle Press) and three outings in the annual Dada journal Maintenant. Otherwise, he works contentedly in a different wing of the book industry, and returns each evening to Glen Burnie, Maryland.
Pushcart Prize nominee and the author of two collections of poems: Like Vapor and Dutiful Heart, Joy Gaines-Friedler teaches creative writing for non-profits in the Detroit area and throughout Michigan. Currently she is working in the PCAP (Prison Creative Arts Project) through the University of Michigan and Oakland University.
Fredric Koeppel has had poems published recently in The Curator, Bare Knuckle Poet and Peeking Cat. A former college English teacher andnewspaper reporter, he lives in Memphis, Tennessee, and writes the wine review blog biggerthanyourhead.net.
Catherine B. Krause's poetry has recently appeared in Rabbit Ears: TV Poems and One Sentence Poems, and she has five poems forthcoming in The Opiate. She is working on her fourth chapbook, The Treason Cantos, which will include a long cut-up poem called “Bits of Bits of Years.” Her three pieces in this issue are sections of that poem.
Michael Kriesel won North American Review’s 2015 Hearst Prize. He will be judging the 2016 Science Fiction Poetry Association’s annual contest. Past President of the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets, his books include Whale of Stars (haiku) and Moths Mail the House (both from Sunnyoutside). His work has appeared in Alaska Quarterly, Antioch Review, Rattle, North American Review, and The Progressive. He was a print / broadcast journalist in the Navy in the 1980s, and is currently an elementary school janitor / weekend security guard.
Tom Nolan is 33 years old and has been published one previous time, in Fresh Ink: the Literary Journal of Naugatuck Valley Community College. His piece, "The Stuff of Existence," was awarded first prize for prose submissions.
Daniel Pieczkolon lives in Philadelphia where he teaches English at Arcadia University and edits Deviant Quarterly. He has work forthcoming in the Eunoia Review.
Trish Saunders divides her time between Honolulu and Seattle. Her poems appear or are forthcoming in Off the Coast, Blast Furnace Press, One Sentence Poems, Eunoia Review, Snapping Twig and Gnarled Oak. She enjoys spying on rare birds.
Alina Stefanescu was born in Romania and raised in Alabama. Objects In Vases (Anchor & Plume, 2016). Her flash fiction, "White Tennis Shoes", won the 2015 Ryan R. Gibbs Fiction Award from New Delta Review. She has poetry and fiction forthcoming in Parcel, Pidgeonholes, Sleet Magazine, Hypertrophic Literary, Poetry Fix, and others. Mostly, she hopes you will not be able to live without her poetry chapbook, Objects In Vases (Anchor & Plume, 2016). More online here.
Mark Young's most recent books are Bandicoot habitat & lithic typology, both from gradient books of Finland. An e-book, For the Witches of Romania, is due out from Beard of Bees.